Welcome to the D’Sa Laboratory

Our vision is to develop advanced material platforms for the controlled delivery of novel antimicrobials to treat multidrug resistant infections

The Antimicrobial Biomaterials Research Group is lead by Prof. Raechelle A. D’Sa. The mission of our group is to tackle one of the biggest societal challenges we are facing globally: Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR). AMR occurs when microorganisms such as bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites that cause disease evolve to become resistant to antimicrobials. This makes infections more difficult to treat and increases the risk  and severity of diseases.  AMR affects all countries and regions, but its consequences are most felt in low and middle income countries and are exacerbated by inequality.

New agents which have innovative approaches to targeting microorganisms are desperately needed to tackle this public health crisis. In our lab we work with developing new antimicrobials that will increase the risk of AMR and advanced material platforms that can delivery these antimicrobial agents in a controlled and sustained manner.

Our research areas include:

  1. Bioinspired antimicrobials
  2. Biomanufacturing of antimicrobial drug delivery vehicles
  3. Nanomaterials for infection control in water systems

Join us at University of Liverpool

We are currently looking for self-funded Ph.D. students to join our group. Please contact us if you are interested (r.dsa@liverpool.ac.uk)

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