Raechelle and Jenny in prestigious UKRI COVID Rapid Response grant to develop Antiviral PPE

Coronaviruses are transmitted from an infectious individual through large respiratory droplets generated by coughing, sneezing or speaking. These infectious...

Coronaviruses are transmitted from an infectious individual through large respiratory droplets generated by coughing, sneezing or speaking. These infectious droplets are then transmitted to the mucosal surfaces of a recipient through inhalation of the aerosol or by contact with contaminated fomites such as surfaces or other objects.

In this proposal we aim to develop a dual action antiviral technologies to lower the risk of transmission of the SARS-CoV-2. This project will deliver antiviral technologies that can be readily applied to PPE surfaces that are likely to encounter a high level of viral load and would be of great benefit to health of clinical staff. Partners on this project include Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine, Royal Liverpool Hospital and University of Toronto.

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